( Math puzzles IQ Brain Teasers Riddles) 
Math online learning platform


I’m proud as a math teacher, I have been teaching for the past 11 years. I love math, and more than that, I love teaching math. Yet to me… Mathematics is challenging and fun. It is both logical and creative. Math is the most mind-blowing creative subject of all. The word mathematics has been used in two distinct with different senses.

* One as a method used to solve the problem of quality, space, order, etc..,

* The second is ” A set of laws or generalizations of truth that are discovered”.

                         “ The essence of mathematics is its freedom”.

Mathematics carries students to new horizons and forces them to look at new goals and it is the runway on which flight students could take off and fly high…..Mathematics is an important subject to learn in school and there are many different aspects of mathematics that students need to be familiar with. Students should learn basic arithmetic operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They should also learn how to solve basic equations and know how to use algebraic equations to solve problems. They should also develop an understanding of geometry and be able to calculate the area and perimeter of shapes. Additionally, students should become familiar with basic statistics, probability, and data analysis. Finally, students should learn how to use calculators and other mathematical software to solve more complex problems.

After 11 years of teaching, I want to be a difference maker and a life changer to the students who hate math and show them how fun it can be. So I want to reach as many students as much as possible. From that mathsdesign.com has arisen.

Mathsdesign.com is math online learning platform for students and everyone who want to learn math. Above all Here you get Math puzzles IQ Brain Teasers Riddles, and Instructional videos on mathematical concepts as chapter wise. In addition Free download of mathematic resources and previous year’s question papers. And also fun games, Sudoku, design, etc……

I am eagerly waiting for your new ideas and comments for developing mathsdesign.com. In Conclusion, Your feedback is highly appreciated and it will help us to improve our ability to serve you and other users of our website mathsdesign.com. WELCOME ABOUT US 

                   “QUEEN OF SCIENCE”



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9 Responses

  1. Ashok says:

    Keep your dreams alive. Self belief and hard work will always earn your success

  2. chandra devi.A says:

    Hi Mam, I’m your old student Nivasini.Its very proud to say that I’m your student .Maths became my favourite subject it’s all because of you Mam.your knowledge should reach all the students .This is a powerful beginning mam.

  3. aarthi says:

    Thank you so much Kavinila

  4. --------------------------------- says:

    creative puzzles and fun facts makes us maths intresting because of u the only one teacher. we will get a good mark in 10th and make you proud mam.
    your favorite class
    10th A2 vvis cbse

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