

Addition is a fundamental arithmetic operation used to combine two or more numbers to find their total or sum. In simple terms, when you add two numbers, you are putting them together to get a single value that represents their combined quantity.

The symbol used for addition is “+”, and the numbers being added are called addends. The result of the addition is called the sum.

For example: 1 + 2 = 3 In this case, 1 and 2 are the addends, and their sum is 3.

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of addition:

Addends: The numbers you want to add together are called addends. For example, let’s consider two addends, A and B.

Plus Sign (+): The plus sign “+” indicates that you are performing the addition operation. It shows that the numbers on its left and right sides will be added together.

Sum: The result of the addition is called the sum. This is the total value obtained after adding the addends.

The addition process: To add two numbers A and B:

♦. Write the numbers A and B next to each other, separated by the “+” sign. For example:  + B.

♦. Starting from the rightmost digits of both numbers, add the digits in the same column. If the sum of the digits is 10 or greater, you write down only the rightmost digit of the result and carry over the leftmost digit to the next column.

♦. Move to the next column to the left and repeat the addition process for the digits in that column, including any carried-over values.

♦. Continue this process until you have added all the columns.

♦. The final result is the sum of the addends.

Example 1: Adding two-digit numbers

+ 25

Example 2: Adding larger numbers

+ 153

You can add positive numbers, negative numbers, fractions, decimals, and even more complex numbers.

Examples of addition with different types of numbers:

  • Adding positive numbers: 5 + 3 = 8
  • Adding negative numbers: (-4) + (-6) = -10
  • Adding fractions: 1/3 + 2/3 = 1
  • Adding decimals: 0.5 + 0.25 = 0.75

Properties of Addition:

♦. Commutative Property: Changing the order of the addends does not affect the sum. A + B = B + A

♦. Associative Property: Grouping the addends differently does not affect the sum. (A + B) + C = A + (B + C)

♦. Identity Property: Adding zero to any number leaves the number unchanged. A + 0 = A

♦. Inverse Property: Every number has an additive inverse (or opposite), such that adding the inverse to the number results in zero. A + (-A) = 0

Addition is a foundational concept in mathematics and is widely used in various fields, from simple daily calculations to advanced mathematical problems and real-world applications.


Addition Table

+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Addition without regrouping:

Addition without regrouping, also known as carrying, is the process of adding two or more numbers without requiring any adjustments or carrying over to the next place value. Let’s look at an example:

Example: 24 + 15

Step 1: Start by aligning the numbers vertically with the units (ones) placed lined up.

+ 15

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (4 + 5)

+ 15

Step 3: Now, move to the tens place and add the digits (2 + 1)

+ 15

So, 24 + 15 = 39 without any regrouping because the sum of each place value didn’t exceed 9.

Let’s try another example:

Example: 68 + 29

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically:

+ 29

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (8 + 9):

+ 29
   17        (write 7, carry over 1 to the tens place)

Step 3: Move to the tens place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 6 + 2):

+ 29

So, 68 + 29 = 97 without regrouping in this example either.

In both examples, we didn’t need to regroup or carry over any digits because the sum of each place value didn’t exceed 9.

Addition with regrouping:

Addition with regrouping, also known as carrying, is the process of adding two or more numbers where the sum of any place value exceeds 9. When this happens, you carry the value over to the next place value before calculating the next digit. Let’s go through an example:

Example: 57 + 49

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically with the units (ones) placed lined up.

+ 49

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (7 + 9):

+ 49
   16      (write 6, carry over 1 to the tens place)

Step 3: Move to the tens place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 5 + 4):

+ 49
  106      (write 6, carry over 1 to the hundreds place)

Step 4: Move to the hundreds place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 5):

+ 49

So, 57 + 49 = 106, and we had to regroup (carry over) from the unit place to the tens place in this example.

Let’s try another example:

Example: 348 + 257

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically:

+ 257

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (8 + 7):

+ 257
     15       (write 5, carry over 1 to the tens place)

Step 3: Move to the tens place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 4 + 5):

+ 257
   605     (write 5, carry over 1 to the hundreds place)

Step 4: Move to the hundreds place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 3 + 2):

+ 257

So, 348 + 257 = 605, and we had to regroup from the units place to the tens place and from the tens place to the hundreds place in this example.

Number line addition

Number line addition is a method of performing addition using a number line to visualize and solve the problem. A number line is a horizontal line with numbers marked at equal intervals. It provides a visual representation of numbers and their relative positions, making it easier to understand addition and other mathematical operations.

Let’s go through an example of number line addition:

Example: 3 + 4

Step 1: Draw a number line and mark the starting point at 0.


Step 2: Find the first number (3) on the number line and mark it.



Step 3: Move to the right by the value of the second number (4).


↑ ↑

3 4

Step 4: Count the spaces you moved to reach the final position. The result is the sum of the two numbers (3 + 4 = 7).


↑ ↑

3 4

↑ 7

So, 3 + 4 = 7.

Using a number line can be particularly helpful for visual learners or those who are just starting to understand addition concepts. It provides a clear representation of how addition works and helps build a solid foundation for more complex mathematical operations.

Addition without regrouping:

Addition without regrouping, also known as carrying, is the process of adding two or more numbers without requiring any adjustments or carrying over to the next place value. Let’s look at an example:

Example: 24 + 15

Step 1: Start by aligning the numbers vertically with the units (ones) placed lined up.

+ 15

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (4 + 5)

+ 15

Step 3: Now, move to the tens place and add the digits (2 + 1)

+ 15

So, 24 + 15 = 39 without any regrouping because the sum of each place value didn’t exceed 9.

Let’s try another example:

Example: 68 + 29

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically:

+ 29

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (8 + 9):

+ 29
   17        (write 7, carry over 1 to the tens place)

Step 3: Move to the tens place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 6 + 2):

+ 29

So, 68 + 29 = 97 without regrouping in this example either.

In both examples, we didn’t need to regroup or carry over any digits because the sum of each place value didn’t exceed 9.

Addition with regrouping:

Addition with regrouping, also known as carrying, is the process of adding two or more numbers where the sum of any place value exceeds 9. When this happens, you carry the value over to the next place value before calculating the next digit. Let’s go through an example:

Example: 57 + 49

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically with the units (ones) placed lined up.

+ 49

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (7 + 9):

+ 49
   16      (write 6, carry over 1 to the tens place)

Step 3: Move to the tens place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 5 + 4):

+ 49
  106      (write 6, carry over 1 to the hundreds place)

Step 4: Move to the hundreds place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 5):

+ 49

So, 57 + 49 = 106, and we had to regroup (carry over) from the unit place to the tens place in this example.

Let’s try another example:

Example: 348 + 257

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically:

+ 257

Step 2: Add the digits in the unit place (8 + 7):

+ 257
     15       (write 5, carry over 1 to the tens place)

Step 3: Move to the tens place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 4 + 5):

+ 257
   605     (write 5, carry over 1 to the hundreds place)

Step 4: Move to the hundreds place and add the digits, including the carried-over 1 (1 + 3 + 2):

+ 257

So, 348 + 257 = 605, and we had to regroup from the units place to the tens place and from the tens place to the hundreds place in this example.

Number line addition

Number line addition is a method of performing addition using a number line to visualize and solve the problem. A number line is a horizontal line with numbers marked at equal intervals. It provides a visual representation of numbers and their relative positions, making it easier to understand addition and other mathematical operations.

Let’s go through an example of number line addition:

Example: 3 + 4

Step 1: Draw a number line and mark the starting point at 0.


Step 2: Find the first number (3) on the number line and mark it.



Step 3: Move to the right by the value of the second number (4).


↑ ↑

3 4

Step 4: Count the spaces you moved to reach the final position. The result is the sum of the two numbers (3 + 4 = 7).


↑ ↑

3 4

↑ 7

So, 3 + 4 = 7.

Using a number line can be particularly helpful for visual learners or those who are just starting to understand addition concepts. It provides a clear representation of how addition works and helps build a solid foundation for more complex mathematical operations.

Addition word problems

Let’s go through a few addition word problems and solve them step by step:

Problem : 1

Problem 1: Maria had 5 apples, and then she received 3 more apples from her friend. How many apples does Maria have now?

 1: Identify the numbers involved in the problem.

  • Maria had 5 apples.
  • She received 3 more apples.

 2: Write the addition expression.

  • 5 + 3

 3: Add the two numbers.

  • 5 + 3 = 8

Answer: Maria has 8 apples now.

Problem 2:

In a toy store, there are 12 teddy bears on one shelf and 7 more teddy bears on another shelf. How many teddy bears are there in total?

 1: Identify the numbers involved in the problem.

  • There are 12 teddy bears on one shelf.
  • There are 7 more teddy bears on another shelf.

 2: Write the addition expression.

  • 12 + 7

 3: Add the two numbers.

  • 12 + 7 = 19

Answer: There are 19 teddy bears in total.

Problem : 3 

Problem 3: A school organized a field trip. There are 25 students in one class and 31 students in another class. How many students are going on the field trip in total?

1: Identify the numbers involved in the problem.

  • One class has 25 students.
  • Another class has 31 students.

 2: Write the addition expression.

  • 25 + 31

 3: Add the two numbers.

  • 25 + 31 = 56

Answer: There are 56 students going on the field trip in total.

Problem 4: 

Problem 4: A farmer collected 45 eggs from one chicken coop and 37 eggs from another coop. How many eggs did the farmer collect in total?

 1: Identify the numbers involved in the problem.

  • The first coop has 45 eggs.
  • The second coop has 37 eggs.

 2: Write the addition expression.

  • 45 + 37

 3: Add the two numbers.

  • 45 + 37 = 82

Answer: The farmer collected 82 eggs in total.

These are examples of addition word problems. The key to solving word problems is to understand what the problem is asking, identify the relevant numbers, and then perform the addition operation to find the answer.

Addition Worksheet:

  1. 5 + 7 =

  2. 12 + 9 =

  3. 23 + 14 =

  4. 8 + 15 =

  5. 37 + 24 =

  6. 56 + 39 =

  7. 45 + 28 =

  8. 72 + 33 =

  9. 19 + 47 =

  10. 61 + 53 =

  11. 102 + 38 =

  12. 87 + 56 =

  13. 128 + 72 =

  14. 95 + 103 =

  15. 227 + 136 =

  16. 301 + 248 =

  17. 492 + 321 =

  18. 507 + 384 =

  19. 699 + 425 =

  20. 867 + 598 =




