Deccan numbers


Deccan numbers

Deccan numbers  is also spelled Dakhni, Dakhani, Dakkhani or Deccani (دکنی, dekkanī or dakkanī). It  is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in southern India. It arose as a language of the Deccan sultanates ca. 1300 AD in ways similar to Urdu. It is similar to Urdu in its influence from Arabic and Persian with a Prakrit base. But differs because of the strong influence of Marathi, Telugu and Kannada ,Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and a few muslims in Tamil Nadu.

This dialect has a rich and extensive literary heritage. The dialect is today only spoken in Deccan. Dakhini is the native language of the Dakhini Muslims. Dakhini is spoken in the Deccan region of India.

“Deccan numbers” or “Dakhni numerals” seem to refer to the numeral system used in the Deccan languages, specifically Dakhni (also known as Dakhani, Dakkhani, Deccani), which is an Indo-Aryan language spoken in the southern region of India.

Dakhni language arose as a result of cultural and linguistic interactions in the Deccan region, influenced by languages such as Arabic, Persian, Prakrit, Marathi, Telugu, and Kannada. Due to its historical and geographical context, Dakhni developed a unique linguistic identity, which is reflected in its vocabulary, grammar, and numeral system.


Deccani language