Mathematical abbreviations

Mathematical abbreviations

This is a listing of Mathematical abbreviations and names of mathematical functions. Function-like operators and other mathematical terminology. This list is limited to abbreviations of two or more letters. The capitalization of some of these abbreviations is not standardized – different authors use different capitalizations. 

Care should be taken as context is important. Identical mathematical symbols and notation are used in different circumstances to convey very different ideas.


Mathematical abbreviations


Abbreviation Meaning
abs Absolute value
alg Algebraic
amt Amount
ang Angle
approx Approximately
arc Arc length or arc cosine (acos)
arg Argument (of a complex number)
asc Ascending
assoc Associative
asympt Asymptotic
ave Average
bijective Bijective function
binom Binomial
canc Cancellation
card Cardinality
ceil Ceiling function
cf Continued fraction
circ Circle, circumference, circular
coeff Coefficient
comp Complement, composite
conc Concentric
conj Conjugate
const Constant
cont Continuous
conv Convolution, convergent
cor Corollary
cos Cosine
cot Cotangent
covar Covariance
csc Cosecant
cts Continuous
deg Degree (angle measurement or polynomial degree)
denom Denominator
det Determinant
diff Differentiation, derivative
discr Discrete, discriminant
div Division, divisor, divergent
dom Domain
dot Dot product
eigen Eigenvalue, eigenvector
elem Element
eqn Equation
equiv Equivalent
exp Exponential, exponent
ext Exterior
fac Factorial
finite Finite
floor Floor function
frac Fraction
func Function
geom Geometry, geometric
gcd Greatest common divisor
homo Homogeneous
hyp Hypotenuse, hyperbolic
id Identity
imag Imaginary
incl Inclusion
ind Index, indicator
inf Infinite, infimum
int Integer, integral, interior
iso Isomorphism, isosceles
lim Limit
lin Linear, line
log Logarithm
max Maximum
min Minimum
neg Negative
nondec Nondecreasing
nonneg Nonnegative
noninc Nonincreasing
num Numerator
Mathematical abbreviations
oblique Oblique
orthog Orthogonal
par Parallel, parabola
perp Perpendicular
poly Polynomial, polygon
pos Positive
pow Power
prod Product
prop Property, proportion
rad Radius, radical
rand Random
recip Reciprocal
refl Reflexive
rel Relation
rem Remainder
resp Respectively
rev Reversible
rhs Right-hand side
ring Ring
rot Rotation
scal Scalar
sec Secant, second
sim Similar, similarity
sin Sine
skew Skew
sol Solution
sqrt Square root
sub Subtraction, subset
sup Supremum, superlative
symm Symmetric
tan Tangent
trig Trigonometry, trigonometric
unimod Unimodal
univ Universal
var Variable
vec Vector
vol Volume
wrt With respect to
x-intercept x-intercept
y-intercept y-intercept
Mathematical abbreviations
z-intercept z-intercept
AC Axiom of Choice
a.c. Continuous
acrd Inverse chord function
ad Adjoint representation (or adjoint action) of a Lie group
adj Adjugate of a matrix
a.e. Almost everywhere
Ai Airy function
AL Action limit
Alt Alternating group
A.M. Arithmetic mean
arccos Inverse cosine function
arccosec Inverse cosecant function (Also written as arccsc)
arccot Inverse cotangent function
arcsch Inverse hyperbolic cosecant function (Also written as arcosech)
arcsec Inverse secant function
arcsin Inverse sine function
arctan Inverse tangent function
arctan2 Inverse tangent function with two arguments (Also written as atan2)
arg Argument of
arg max Argument of the maximum
arg min Argument of the minimum
arsech Inverse hyperbolic secant function
arsinh Inverse hyperbolic sine function
artanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent function
a.s. Almost surely
atan2 Inverse tangent function with two arguments (Also written as arctan2)
A.P. Arithmetic progression
Aut Automorphism group
bd Boundary
Bi Airy function of the second kind
BIDMAS Brackets, Indices, Divide, Multiply, Add, Subtract
Bias Bias of an estimator
BWOC By way of contradiction
Mathematical abbreviations
Card Cardinality of a set
cas Cos + sin function
cdf Cumulative distribution function
c.f. Cumulative frequency
c.c. Complex conjugate
char Characteristic of a ring
Chi Hyperbolic cosine integral function
Ci Cosine integral function
cis Cos + i sin function
Cl Conjugacy class
cl Topological closure
cod, codom Codomain
cok, coker Cokernel
conv Convex hull of a set
Cor Corollary
corr Correlation
cos Cosine function
cosec Cosecant function
cosech Hyperbolic cosecant function
cosh Hyperbolic cosine function
cosiv Coversine function
cot Cotangent function
coth Hyperbolic cotangent function
cov Covariance of a pair of random variables
cover Coversine function
covercos Covercosine function
covers Coversine function
crd Chord function
csc Cosecant function
csch Hyperbolic cosecant function
ctg Cotangent function
curl Curl of a vector field
cvc Covercosine function
cvs Coversine function
def Define or definition
deg Degree of a polynomial
del Del, a differential operator
det Determinant of a matrix or linear transformation
dim Dimension of a vector space
div Divergence of a vector field
dkl Decalitre
DNE A solution for an expression does not exist, or is undefined
dom Domain of a function
End Categories of endomorphisms
Ei Exponential integral function
epi Epigraph of a function
Eqn Equation
erf Error function
erfc Complementary error function
etr Exponent of the trace
exc Excosecant function
excosec Excosecant function
exs Exsecant function
exp Exponential function
expi Cos + i sin function
expm1 Exponential minus 1 function
Ext Ext functor
ext Exterior
extr Set of extreme points of a set
Mathematical abbreviations
FIP Finite intersection property
FOC First order condition
FOL First-order logic
fr Boundary
Frob Frobenius endomorphism
Gal Galois group
gcd Greatest common divisor of two numbers
gd Gudermannian function
GF Galois field
GF Generating function
OBGF Ordinary bivariate generating function
MGF Moment generating function
GL General linear group
G.M. Geometric mean
glb Greatest lower bound
G.P. Geometric progression
grad Gradient of a function
hacover Hacoversine function
hacovercos Hacovercosine function
hav Haversine function
havercos Havercosine function
hcc Hacovercosine function
hcv Hacoversine function
hcf Highest common factor of two numbers
H.M. Harmonic mean
HOL Higher-order logic
Hom Hom functor
hom Hom-class
hot Higher Order Term
HOTPO Half Or Triple Plus One
hvc Havercosine function
hyp Hypograph of a function
Mathematical abbreviations
iff If and only if
IH Induction Hypothesis
iid Independent and identically distributed random variables
Im Imaginary part of a complex number
im Image
inf Infimum of a set
int Interior
I.o. Infinitely often
ker Kernel
lb Binary logarithm (log2)
lcm Lowest common multiple
LCHS Locally Compact Hausdorff second Countable
ld Binary logarithm (log2)
lerp Linear interpolation
lg Common logarithm (log10) or binary logarithm (log2)
LHS Left-hand side of an equation
Li Offset logarithmic integral function
li Logarithmic integral function or linearly independent
lim Limit
lim inf Limit inferior
lim sup Limit superior
ln Natural logarithm
lnp1 Natural logarithm plus 1 function
ln1p Natural logarithm plus 1 function
log Logarithm
logh Natural logarithm
LST Language of set theory
lub Least upper bound
max Maximum
min Minimum
mod Modulo
Mp Metaplectic group
mtanh Modified hyperbolic tangent function
mth Modified hyperbolic tangent function
mx Matrix
NAND Not-and in logic
No. Number
NOR Not-or in logic
NTS Need to show
Mathematical abbreviations
ob Object class
ord Ordinal number
pdf Probability density function
pf Proof
PGL Projective general linear group
Pin Pin group
pmf Probability mass function
Pn Previous number
Pr Probability of an event
PSL Projective special linear group
PSO Projective orthogonal group
PSU Projective special unitary group
PU Projective unitary group
QED Quod erat demonstrandum
QEF Quod erat faciendum
ran Range of a function
rank Rank
Re Real part of a complex number
resp Respectively
RHS Right-hand side of an equation
rk Rank
RMS, rms Root mean square
rng Non-unital ring
rot Rotor of a vector field
RTP Required to prove
RV Random Variable
SD Standard deviation
SE Standard error
sec Secant function
sech Hyperbolic secant function
seg Initial segment of
sem Haversine function
SFIP Strong finite intersection property
sgn Signum function
Shi Hyperbolic sine integral function
Si Sine integral function
sin Sine function
sinc Sinc function
sinh Hyperbolic sine function
siv Versine function
SL Special linear group
SO Special orthogonal group
SOC Second order condition
Soln Solution
Sp Symplectic group
sp Linear span of a set of vectors
Spec Spectrum of a ring
Spin Spin group
s.t. Such that or so that or subject to
st Standard part function
STP [It is] sufficient to prove
SU Special unitary group
sup Supremum of a set
supp Support of a function
Sym Symmetric group
Mathematical abbreviations
tan Tangent function
tanh Hyperbolic tangent function
TFAE The following are equivalent
tg Tangent function
theo, thm Theorem
Tor Tor functor
Tr Trace
undef A function or expression is undefined
v Volume
var Variance of a random variable
vcs Vercosine function
ver Versine function
vercos Vercosine function
vers Versine function
wff Well-formed formula
whp With high probability
wlog Without loss of generality
WMA We may assume
WO Well-ordered set
wp1 With probability 1
wrt With respect to
WTP Want to prove
WTS Want to show
XOR Exclusive or in logic
ZF Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms of set theory
ZFC Zermelo–Fraenkel axioms (with the Axiom of Choice) of set theory

Please note that this table includes a wide range of mathematical abbreviations. If you have any specific additions, corrections, or questions about the abbreviations, plese correct it 






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