Numeral symbols


Numeral symbols


Numeral symbols with Symbol Name , Meaning and definition and also with Example:


Name Western Arabic Roman Eastern Arabic Hebrew
zero 0   ٠  
one 1 I ١ א
two 2 II ٢ ב
three 3 III ٣ ג
four 4 IV ٤ ד
five 5 V ٥ ה
six 6 VI ٦ ו
seven 7 VII ٧ ז
eight 8 VIII ٨ ח
nine 9 IX ٩ ט
ten 10 X ١٠ י
eleven 11 XI ١١ יא
twelve 12 XII ١٢ יב
thirteen 13 XIII ١٣ יג
fourteen 14 XIV ١٤ יד
fifteen 15 XV ١٥ טו
sixteen 16 XVI ١٦ טז
seventeen 17 XVII ١٧ יז
eighteen 18 XVIII ١٨ יח
nineteen 19 XIX ١٩ יט
twenty 20 XX ٢٠ כ
thirty 30 XXX ٣٠ ל
forty 40 XL ٤٠ מ
fifty 50 L ٥٠ נ
sixty 60 LX ٦٠ ס
seventy 70 LXX ٧٠ ע
eighty 80 LXXX ٨٠ פ
ninety 90 XC ٩٠ צ
one hundred 100 C ١٠٠ ק

Numeral symbols are used to denote numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. They can also be used to represent mathematical operations, such as +,, ×, ÷. They are also used to represent a wide variety of other concepts, such as time (e.g. 0:00, 12:00), dates (e.g. April 1st, 2019), or measurements (e.g. 10 km, 3.14 cm). Numeral symbols can also be used to indicate rank or order (e.g. 1st place, 5th grade). In some cases, they may also be used to represent a particular concept or idea (e.g. the number 7 could represent luck or perfection). Numeral symbols are an important part of mathematics, science, and other disciplines.