Malagasy numbers

Malagasy numbers

Malagasy numbers, The Malagasy language belongs to the Austronesian family. And more specifically to the East Barito group. Malagasy is divided in two dialectal groups counting eleven dialects. Standard Malagasy is the Merina dialect. And spoken natively by about a quarter of the population of Madagascar. The Official national language of the island is also spoken in the French department of Mayotte . Here below Malagasy with cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Malagasy numbers
Cardinal Ordinal Malagasy Numbers
1 Voanjo iray
2 Roa roa
3 Telo telo
4 Efatra efatra
5 Dimy dimy
6 Enina enina
7 Fitam fito
8 Valo valo
9 Sivy sivy
10 Folo folo
11 Folo sy iray iray ambin’ny folo
12 Folo sy roa roa ambin’ny folo
13 Folo sy telo telo ambin’ny folo
14 Folo sy efatra efatra ambin’ny folo
15 Folo sy dimy dimy ambin’ny folo
16 Folo sy enina enina ambin’ny folo
17 Folo sy fitam fito ambin’ny folo
18 Folo sy valo valo ambin’ny folo
19 Folo sy sivy sivy ambin’ny folo
20 Roapolo roapolo
21 Roapolo sy iray iray ambin’ny roapolo
22 Roapolo sy roa roa ambin’ny roapolo
23 Roapolo sy telo telo ambin’ny roapolo
24 Roapolo sy efatra efatra ambin’ny roapolo
25 Roapolo sy dimy dimy ambin’ny roapolo
26 Roapolo sy enina enina ambin’ny roapolo
27 Roapolo sy fitam fito ambin’ny roapolo
28 Roapolo sy valo valo ambin’ny roapolo
29 Roapolo sy sivy sivy ambin’ny roapolo
30 Telopolo telopolo
100 Zato zato
200 Roa zato roa zato
300 Telo zato telo zato
1000 Arivo arivo

Please note that there might be variations in spelling and pronunciation of numbers in Malagasy, and the ordinal forms are constructed by adding “ambin’ny” before the cardinal form, which means “in the order of.” Also, for numbers above 100, you can follow a similar pattern by combining the hundreds and tens with “amby” to indicate “and” (e.g., “fito amby folo” for 170).